I don’t do normal i like to stand out and scream abnormal

People have almost the exact outfits as I do. I know it’s weird because I work in a store and even the feeling of seeing someone with the same shirt as me makes me a little scared and makes me go insane. But I do love a nice black tie outfits every now and then. Anyways, back to project so I was thinking what can I do to stand out? Everyone will wear dress pants at this place, but I know the place is a business casual office and I know how outrageous the outfits of the people that work there. So I opted for doing the whole blazer thing so it’s at least will hit near home. I went with a 3 piece outfit shirt, blazer and cardigan and paired this with my denim to dress it down more. Instead of wearing a tie I opted for a nice statement necklace that I found in a really cute boutique in Vancouver. The outfit looked polished and everyone at the office said that I looked good and they loved the twist that I did. See, it always pays off when you stand out because people would want to get to know you more, and people become very intrigued with who you are and what you can do. Trust me on this part I’ve always been that person that stands out and wants to be different and doing this works for me all the time. There is a quote from one original drag queen when in doubt freak them out and do whatever that fuck you want.

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To the peeps that live in Canada happy thanks giving y’all eat that turkey, but make sure to pop those jeans open after it because we all know how much you’re gonna be eating. Ian thankful that i have support from family and friends i miss the peeps i love in Vancouver I wish I was there to celebrate thanksgiving with you guys, but i will visit home soon I can’t wait for that and to my loves here in Toronto hopefully you guys are having lots of food and to everyone don’t forget to give thanks. So until my next blog post y’all better work hard and you do you boo boo. Ps special thanks to Veronica for taking pictures i love you so much I am so thankful I’ve met you and Vanessa.

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